Lol, I mean, listen. Sometimes you lose something in the edits, you know? You can over-edit a piece and the soul goes straight down the toilet.

Yesterday, a welcome surprise. After almost nine months of rejections, a poem I really love and one I've wanted published more than almost any other poem in my drafts folder was finally accepted. It happened while I was in the middle of 9,000 things at work. I came back to my desk after I don't know what, and there it was, "Pembroke Magazine Acceptance" right in the email title.
The last two acceptances have been interesting. Both are in print journals, and both journals only publish once a year. What was nice about this acceptance is that it was a very old version (I sent it in nine months ago). My new version has been workshopped a bit by Richard Jackson, but I always worry about telling an editor "Hey, the poem you liked is actually a piece of shit, try this version."
Lol, I mean, listen. Sometimes you lose something in the edits, you know? You can over-edit a piece and the soul goes straight down the toilet.
I let him know about the new version and he liked it more, so that was a relief.
I don't want to talk about the inauguration.